Meet Your Dealer Membership Team. We’re delighted to help you become a member, and we’ll guide you through your first steps toward auction participation. We’ll help you login and update your account with address, owner, representative, or company changes.
Contact us for all your membership needs.
We make membership easy!
We must review all applications prior to granting membership. We will notify you when we receive your application and when your dealership’s membership is approved.
The primary license holder President/Owner/Managing Member/Partner(s) may contact us for membership questions.
Contact Dealer Membership:
Our Membership team is available M-F from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Please Note: Wednesday is our auction day, and at times it can get very busy. Thank you for understanding.
Who Can Apply for Membership?
Southern Auto Auction is a licensed "dealer only" auction. We cannot accept international dealers.
Auction Access Member?
Auction Access members must be Southern Auto Auction members to use their Auction Access cards at our auction. Visit Apply Online to apply for membership.